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Ferienhäuser in Tunesien
Located 1 km from the city center, 6 from the beach and its tourist zone you can easily access the various recreational this island. The apartment is located in a quiet and restful area and is very comfortable. For longer stays, we have a special, well-suited tariff, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.... A pillar WIFI...[mehr]
This is a kept residence 24h/24.Hirings of bicycles and various activities in the vicinity.Possibility of organizing stroll with horse, back of dromedary or in the barouche.Hiring of quads, scooters and cars at preferential rates upon request. Apartments contain:- Living room with dining room - 2 bedrooms - Kitchen - Bathroom with shower - Balcony...[mehr]
This is a kept residence 24hours a day 7 days a week.Hirings of bicycles and various activities in the vicinity.Possibility of organizing stroll with horse, back of dromedary or in the barouche.Hiring of quads, scooters and cars at preferential rates upon request. Apartment contains - Living room with dining room 2 bedrooms Kitchen Bathroom with...[mehr]
Houch (Djerbians traditional habitat - a type of hacienda) with sea- and country view, located in the quiet and peaceful village of Tezdaine, 1 km away from the ""Blue Lagoon"" and the beach, on 3000 m2.
Decoration in the purest Jerbisch traditional style.Weitere InformationenCheckin ab 15:00 Uhr möglichCheckout bis 11:00 UhrWegbeschreibungFrom...[mehr]
Comfortable apartments, from studios to appartments with 2 bedrooms, in a new residence with swimming pool, located at 500 m. from the ""Dar Jerba"" beach.
Rental of bicycles, scooters and various activities nearby.
Possibility of organizing stroll with horse, camel or horse-drawn carriage.
Rental of quads and cars with preferential rates...[mehr]
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