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Hotel Sol Barra in Salvador de Bahia

Av. Sete de Setembro, 3577 – Porto da Barra
Salvador de Bahia

website Hotel Sol Barra in Salvador de Bahia http://de.hostelbookers.com/hostels/brasilien/salvador-de-bahia/53022/?affiliate=rastlos
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Hotel Sol Barra in Salvador de Bahia

zuletzt aktualisiert am 05.01.2010

There are 189 apartments, 171 of which are standard, 09 studios and 09 suits. They all have air conditioning, TV, mini bar, WI-FI, individual safe and 24h room services.   Gastronomy Le Timonier Restaurant- Restaurant “a La Carte” with International and regional cookery, serves 130 people well accommodated, one snack bar and 24hour room service.   Leisure and Entertainment Parking lot and valet services, swimming pool, beauty shop, convenience store. 03 saloons for events – the biggest one with enough room to accommodate 360 people (the auditorium), business center and 24-hour room service.   Valuable Information # 34 km far from the International Airport, # 2,5 km far from The City Center, # 15km far from the Convention Center of Bahia, # 4 km far from Pelourinho, # 50m far from Praia do Portos´Beach.


From the International Airport /Hotel Sol Barra:

Leaving the International Airport take the first return towards Salvador. After the Kneecap to take the road towards São Cristóvão, going thru the upper road of the viaduct to Dorival Caymmy Avenue, main Itapoã avenue. Turn right into Otavio Mangabeira road, (by the cost).After passing Costa Azul park, keep left until Manoel Dias da Silva Avenue towards Rio Vermelho neigborhood, going to Oceanica Avenue untill Porto da Barra Beach. The hotel will be on the rigght side of the road.

2,5Km distance from the city center and 4,0 Km from Pelourinho.


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