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Edit Accommodation

If you found an error or wrong description of a listed accommodation @ www.rastlos.com please help us to correct it. Write an e-mail to webmaster  [at] rastlos.com

If you are the owner or manager of an listed property and you want to change your listing at www.rastlos.com please write an english or german e-mail to webmaster  [at] rastlos.com

Please give us following information about the property:

  • URL at which the holiday property is listed @ www.rastlos.com
  • things which are wrong or should be changed
  • your contact details if you are the property owner or manager (your name, e-mail and maybe phone number)

Every change is free of charge and if you have new pictures of the object please attach them to your e-mail.



Diese Webseite enthält bezahte Werbung!
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