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Sars Apartments - In Montenegro Travel in Ulcinj


website Sars Apartments - In Montenegro Travel in Ulcinj http://de.hostelbookers.com/hostels/montenegro/ulcinj/41885/?affiliate=rastlos
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Sars Apartments - In Montenegro Travel in Ulcinj

zuletzt aktualisiert am 05.01.2010

Prodigiously raised on the rocks above the open sea irresistibly captures the human senses and fulfills him with calm and peace.   Ulcinj is not only an old city and its tumultuous history. Ulcinj is the city that renders to you the most sun days, summer nights embellished by mistral, 18 km of superb beaches for those ones who want to be relaxed on the sun and refreshed in the reasonably warm water.


From the bus station to our apartments the distance is 1.5 km away distance. From the exit of bus station you have to go left from the first crossroad around 200 m (26. November street), before the second cross road (City Hall building) .You have to go forward up on the street ant take that directions until you get on the top of the Pinjes Hill and than first street left around 30 m, turn again right at the first curve, drive 20 m and park your car.


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