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Casa del Monacone in Naples

Via Sanità, 121

website Casa del Monacone in Naples http://de.hostelbookers.com/hostels/italien/neapel/33266/?affiliate=rastlos
phone number  Casa del Monacone in Naples
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Casa del Monacone in Naples

zuletzt aktualisiert am 05.01.2010

Renovating the spaces designated to the monks, some young boys of “La Paranza” together with a famous Neapolitan designer Riccardo Dalisi, have created 6 rooms (all of them with a bathroom inside) hot and comfortable, one dining room, a kitchen, and a terrace (where it is possible, from the spring time to the autumn to have breakfast near the historical bridge of the Sanità).   Dalisi has created a soft style, demonstrating that in Sanità “ancient and modern” can live together very well.

Weitere Informationen

  • Checkin ab 12:00 Uhr möglich
  • Checkout bis 10:30 Uhr

Wichtige Hinweise

Credit cards are not accepted, cash payments only.


The Capodichino Airport is at about 10 Km from La Casa del Monacone.

From there you can take the bus line ANM-3S or line ANM-Alibus which departs every 20\30 minutes in direction of the city center, stopping in Piazza Garibaldi (central station). From the central station, you can take the tube and in few minutes you’ll reach both the Museo and Cavour stops, which are connected by a tunnel with moving-walk-way. Once you exit the station, take the mini-bus C51 orC52 and get off at Piazza Sanità, where the Basilica Santa Maria della Sanità is.

The central station is at about 4km from La Casa del Monacone, the itinerary is the same as above.

However La Casa del Monacone also offers free transfer for its guests!!!


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