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Ferienhäuser in Ecuador
The flat is located inside the Casa Grande Club, the building enjoys a 24 hour security guard and a magnetic card is needed for entry to the building. The flat is on the 5th floor and it has facilities like elevators, spa (swimming pool, gym, sauna), and it’s suitable for wheelchairs. If you decide to rent a car, the flat has a private parking...[mehr]
QFA Apartments are located in an special environment and include essential facilities like cable TV, internet signal and cleaning. Whether you plan to stay for a week or a month, QFA is your best option. You will find a very neat, safe and peaceful place with professional management.
Upon arrival
- We will do an inventory of all the apartment...[mehr]
We offer great food, good prices and great service. You can hike up the Dry Tropical Forrest of Dos Mangas, Surf in Montanita (5 minutes away) and enjoy the liveliest bohemian town in Ecuador's coastline(5 min). Learn how to craft tagua seeds and paja toquillaWegbeschreibungYou can take a bus from Guayaquil at the Guayaquil Bus Terminal. Get the...[mehr]
The recently opened Villa Kitesurf is here to fill the demand for a quality place to relax on the Ecuadorian coast whilst learning all you need to know about the adventurous sport that is Kitesurfing.This small 3 story Villa is run by an Australian and a Colombian, what better mix is there than that?! We want to introduce you to the world of...[mehr]
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